Dissertations and Theses



Keywords: archaeological black earth, pedometria, amazonian soils



Soils containing anthropogenic horizon on Amazon very different characteristics. In this context, this paper presents information about its characteristics and the relation with the spectral signature from the color expression of these soils, and can be used to understand both their formation process, as assist as an indicator Agriculture and conservation for the best use of these soils. This work presents as a general objective the objective of this study is to characterize different environments with the presence of anthropogenic horizon of (Indian black earth) IBE through spectral signature, so understand the influence of the IBE in stock and flow of CO2. And two specific objectives (i) measuring soil attributes of environments with IBE by spectral signature, aiming to become an efficient alternative in the identification and characterization of these environments and (ii) identify by the potential emission spectral signature of fCO2 and C stock in IBE site in the southern state of Amazonas. Were opened six profiles of IBE, and collected samples for horizon in each profile. To analyze the spatial variability of the IBE was established a network of 70 m x 70 m and collected soil samples in regular spacing of 10 m in depth of 0.10 m. In the samples collected, sieve analysis, fertility and mineralogical analysis and spectral signature in the soil. In General, in difratogramas soils studied feature similar mineralogical composition, focusing on the iron and aluminium oxyhydroxide minerals (Hematite (Hm), Goethite (Gt), Gibbsite (Gb)) with dominance of Kaolinite (Ct) and Gt. In the spectra of the spectral signature between the oxides, the Gt predominates in these soils, with minor expressions of Hm. The highest values of reflectance in the Gt were found in all anthropogenic horizons IBE. About Ct and Gb band Spectra indicated presence sharper of Ct evidenced by scoop sharper in all anthropogenic horizons IBE. On the other hand, through the measures spectral signature colors (hue, value and chroma) made possible the construction of the ternary triangle and graduated four classes of values of carbon stocks and fCO2, enabling this way infer about these attributes in a manner simpler and faster, only through the color patterns. The Gt and Ct were minerals that showed dominance in environments of IBE, evidenced by the spectral bands and corroborated by the difratogramas, enhancing the efficiency of the spectral signature for the characterization of the IBE. The spectral signature was effective in identifying areas with potential for stock of C and CO2 emission in IBE.