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Spatial variability of total phosphorus and soil adsorption by indirect techniques
Author: Luiz Rosa Campos
Mentor: Dr. José Marques Júnior
The study aims to evaluate the potential of X-ray Fluorescence (EFRX), Diffuse Reflectance Spectroscopy (ERD) and Magnetic Susceptibility (SM) in estimating the spatial variability of total phosphorus and adsorbed in soils with wide mineralogical variation. The study will be carried out in the field of Teaching, Research and Production Finance of the Faculty of Agrarian and Veterinary Sciences - UNESP. Soils are products of the weathering of basalt / sandstone rocks. A total of 100 samples of soils in the 0 - 0.2 m layer, representing the lithologies and landscape forms, will be collected. Samples will be submitted to mineralogical analysis by X-ray diffraction for the characterization of hematite (Hm), goethite (Gt), gibbsite (Gb) and kaolinite (Ct) of soil clay fraction. The estimated total phosphorus will be measured by X-ray Fluorescence Spectroscopy and phosphorus adsorbed by chemical methods and estimated by diffuse reflectance spectroscopy and magnetic susceptibility. The results will be submitted to descriptive statistical analysis, partial regression of least squares (PLSR) and geostatistics. The geostatistical technique will allow to describe the spatial distribution of P as covariate factor of the lithological and mineralogical variation of the study area. Then, the maps of P obtained by each technique will be confronted to obtain the error map, that is, to evaluate how much a technique underestimates or overestimates the content and the spatial variability of P. In turn, the spatial dependence of the P soil minerals will be evaluated by cross-semivariograms. It expects to represent the spatial variation of the total phosphor and adsorbed by simpler, cheaper, non-destructive techniques and fast results delivery. Assist decision making and more assertive management of phosphate applications, minimizing cost and negative impacts to the environment.
Project character: Scientific Research
Magnetic signature of the soil in the identification of areas with different herbicide sorption potentials
Author: Yves Soares Menon
Mentor: José Marques Júnior
World agricultural production is expected to grow substantially in the coming years, so it is necessary to produce food sustainably in order to minimize negative environmental effects caused, among other reasons, by the misuse of herbicides. In this sense, the objective of this project is to evaluate the potential of the spectral signature in the identification of areas with different sorption capacities of the herbicide Imazaquim. Therefore, 384 soil samples will be collected in the depth of 0.00 - 0.25 m, in a mesh with sampling density of 2.5 points / ha, along the experimental area of 908 ha. The values of organic matter (OM), pH, Ca, Mg, K, (H + Al) and cation exchange capacity (CTC), grain size, Freundlich coefficient calculation for sorption of the herbicide Imazaquim and magnetic susceptibility SM). The data will be submitted to descriptive statistics. We will also perform Pearson correlation analysis between the attributes studied and built the regression model between SM and the sorption coefficient of the herbicide. The means of each attribute will be calculated according to the soil classes and according to the magnetic signature classes of the experimental area. In order to verify statistical difference between the mean values of soil attributes. The analysis of the spatial dependence of the data will be done through geostatistics, using variograms. Spatial pattern maps will be constructed. (AU)
Project character: Scientific Research
Soil magnetic signature in the assessment of compaction behavior
Author: Gustavo Silva de Sousa
Mentor: José Marques Júnior
As a result of the proposed project, compaction curves for soils with different magnetic signatures will be produced, identifying the percentage of humidity that conditions the maximum compaction. The hypothesis is that magnetic susceptibility (SM), covariate of minerals with magnetic expression, can indicate soils with different compaction behaviors when managed at different moisture contents. Soils with higher total iron content (Fe2O3) have higher SM and tend to present lower kaolinite (Ct) and gibbsite (Gb) Ct (Ct + Gb), giving lower compaction potential, requiring higher moisture content to condition higher compaction or maximum density. The objective of this work is to study the behavior of compaction curves in soils with different magnetic signatures by the Proctor assay. Compaction curves will be constructed by the Proctor test for soils: Dystrophic Red Latosol (LVd); Eutrophic Red Latosol (LVef); In addition, granulometry, soil penetration resistance and magnetic signature at four depths (0.0-0.1 m, 0.1 - 0.2 m, 0.2 - 0, 3 m, 0.3-0.4 m). In this work the degree of soil compaction will be verified in six different soil types (6, 12, 18, 24, 30 and 36%) for each type of soil and layer.
Project character: Scientific Research
Influence of clay fraction mineralogy on soil compaction curve behavior
Author: Renan Radaelli dos Santos
Mentor: José Marques Júnior
The identification of areas subject to soil compaction can be performed when compaction curves are proposed for soils with different mineralogies, specifically hematite, goethite, kaolinite and gibbsite, identifying the percentage of moisture that conditions the maximum compaction. The objective of the work is to study the compaction behavior in soils with different mineralogical compositions by means of the Proctor test submitted to different moisture contents. The hypothesis is that soil mineralogy, especially the content of hematite, goethite, kaolinite and gibbsite influences the stability behavior of aggregates and compaction curves. Kaolinite soils have higher compaction potential than gibbsite soils, which tend to have more stable aggregates. Thus, for kaolinite soils less moisture is required to condition higher compaction or maximum density. Compaction curves will be constructed by the Proctor test for soils: Dystrophic Red Latosol (LVd); Eutrophic Red Latosol (LVef); Dystrophic Orthodox Quartzenetic (RQod). The soil size, soil penetration resistance and mineralogical composition in four depths (0,0-0,1 m, 0,1 - 0,2 m, 0,2 - 0,3 m, 0,3 - 0 , 4 m). In this work the soil compaction degree will be tested in six different humidities (6, 12, 18, 24, 30 and 36%) for each type of soil and layer.
Project character: Scientific Research
Soil spectral signature in the identification of areas with different herbicide sorption potentials
Author: Bruno Barbosa Mialichi
Mentor: José Marques Júnior
World agricultural production is expected to grow substantially in the coming years, so it is necessary to produce food sustainably in order to minimize negative environmental effects caused, among other reasons, by the misuse of herbicides. In this sense, the objective of this project is to evaluate the potential of the spectral signature in the identification of areas with different sorption capacities of the herbicide Imazaquim. Therefore, 384 soil samples will be collected in the depth of 0.00 - 0.25 m, in a mesh with sampling density of 2.5 points / ha, along the experimental area of 908 ha. The values of organic matter (OM), pH, Ca, Mg, K, (H + Al) and cation exchange capacity (CTC), grain size, Freundlich coefficient calculation for sorption of the herbicide Imazaquim and Reflectance spectroscopy Diffuse (ERD). The data will be submitted to descriptive statistics. Also will be performed Pearson correlation analysis between the attributes studied and built regression model between the ERD and the sorption coefficient of the herbicide. The means of each attribute will be calculated according to the soil classes and according to the spectral signature classes of the experimental area. In order to verify statistical difference between the mean values of soil attributes. The analysis of the spatial dependence of the data will be done through geostatistics, using variograms. Spatial pattern maps will be constructed.
Project character: Scientific Research
Author: Vinicius Augusto Filha
Mentor: José Marques Júnior
Project character: Scientific Research
Author: Livia Arantes Camargo
Mentor: José Marques Júnior
Project character: Pós-Doutorado
Author: Ana Beatriz Coelho Franca
Mentor: José Marques Júnior
Project character: Scientific Research
Author: Adrien Dorvalino Ferroni
Mentor: José Marques Júnior
Project character: Scientific Research
Author: Angélica Santos Rabelo de Souza Bahía
Mentor: José Marques Júnior
Project character: Doutorado
Author: Kathleen Lourenço Fernandes
Mentor: José Marques Júnior
Project character: Masters
Author: Frederico Luiz Siansi
Mentor: José Marques Júnior
Project character: Scientific Research
Author: José Marques Júnior
Mentor: José Marques Júnior
Project character: Auxílio Pesquisa
Author: Renata Alves Horvat
Mentor: José Marques Júnior
Project character: Scientific Research
Author: Lucas Aguilar Cortez
Mentor: José Marques Júnior
Project character: Scientific Research
Author: Rafael Gonçalves Peluco
Mentor: José Marques Júnior
Project character: Scientific Research
Author: José Marques Júnior
Mentor: José Marques Júnior
Project character: Auxílio Pesquisa
Author: Cesar De Souza Piraja Figueiredo
Mentor: José Marques Júnior
Project character: Scientific Research
Author: Frederico Luiz Siansi
Mentor: José Marques Júnior
Project character: Scientific Research
Author: Julia De Freitas Souza
Mentor: José Marques Júnior
Project character: Scientific Research