Dissertations and Theses


Author: Katharine Viana Batista

Keywords: geostatistics, ordinary kriging, sample proportion



Phosphorus is considered one of the nutrients that limit the development of sugarcane cultivation in Brazilian soils. In addition, it is an element that presents great spatial variability due to the attributes that influence it is adsorption to the soil. The objective of this study was to map the adsorbed phosphorus with the aid of magnetic susceptibility and to define the sample proportion for the characterization of the spatial dependence of the Pads. A total of 371 samples were collected at a depth of 0-0.25 m with a separation between samples of 145 m and 174 m, covering a total area of approximately 870 ha. At each sampling point the magnetic susceptibility (SM), the adsorbed phosphorus (Pads) was determined. Data were analyzed from descriptive statistics and geostatistics. In the use of the cokriging technique of Pads with the aid of SM, one of each being 2.6, the following sample proportions were established (3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 ha), and the cokriging maps were obtained. The accuracy of the estimates was performed using the external validation and the Square Root of the Mean Error (RMSE). The range values for the studied variables ranged from 1861.78 to 2081.68m. From this result, it is concluded that the Pads presents spatial dependence with SM, indicating their use in mapping and identifying areas with different phosphorus adsorption potentials, and interpolation with co-kriging using the SM works up to the sample proportion 6 points per hectare, that is, for each point of adsorbed phosphorus can be used up to 5 points of magnetic susceptibility.